April 2024


Sunday WORSHIP - 9:30 AM | Sunday School - 10:45 AM

by: Pastor Chris Chambers



Dear Church Family,

  What a great Passion week that we had with Palm Sunday when the children sang, we hosted a brunch and held a children’s egg hunt, a meaningful Maundy Thursday service, and of course celebrated the resurrection on Easter Sunday!  Jesus is alive in us!  Thanks to everyone who helped!
  We are launching our Ironmen’s ministry with a breakfast on Saturday, April 13 at 8:30 a.m.  We want to encourage all of our men to come and bring another man or two to join us!  There will be a great breakfast, spiritual challenge, and fellowship.
   Be sure to sign up on this link. https://decaturfbc.breezechms.com/form/546ffc
Here’s a reminder to our women to attend the “IF” women’s Bible Study this Sunday night April 7 at 6:00 p.m.
Also, the youth group is meeting this Sunday,  April 7 at 6:00 p.m.  We will be having fun, and a meal, and will look at one of the Parables of Jesus.
  As we keep praying and reaching out to others to make disciples, let us keep connecting with our guests who come through our doors and in our paths each day with kindness and love.  The Lord is working in us, and through us, so let us be diligent to follow Jesus with all that we have and all that we are!  
  If you missed the Easter Service you can click on this link.

                                           Serving Jesus Together,

                                                    Pastor Chris

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Dear Church Family,

  What a great Passion week that we had with Palm Sunday when the children sang, we hosted a brunch and held a children’s egg hunt, a meaningful Maundy Thursday service, and of course celebrated the resurrection on Easter Sunday!  Jesus is alive in us!  Thanks to everyone who helped!
  We are launching our Ironmen’s ministry with a breakfast on Saturday, April 13 at 8:30 a.m.  We want to encourage all of our men to come and bring another man or two to join us!  There will be a great breakfast, spiritual challenge, and fellowship.
   Be sure to sign up on this link. https://decaturfbc.breezechms.com/form/546ffc
Here’s a reminder to our women to attend the “IF” women’s Bible Study this Sunday night April 7 at 6:00 p.m.
Also, the youth group is meeting this Sunday,  April 7 at 6:00 p.m.  We will be having fun, and a meal, and will look at one of the Parables of Jesus.
  As we keep praying and reaching out to others to make disciples, let us keep connecting with our guests who come through our doors and in our paths each day with kindness and love.  The Lord is working in us, and through us, so let us be diligent to follow Jesus with all that we have and all that we are!  
  If you missed the Easter Service you can click on this link.

                                           Serving Jesus Together,

                                                    Pastor Chris

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